Purchasing - eCatalog Sub Categories


Allocated: $153,387,523.88  
Spent: $5,007,600.04  
 SubCategoryAllocated TotalSpent Total% of Allocated% of Spent
311 Helpline, Periodicals, Cataloguing, Languages, $0.00$0.00 0.00 % 0.00 %
Appraisal $30,500.00$8,700.00 0.02 % 0.17 %
Communication, Security, Wireless, Radios $0.00$0.00 0.00 % 0.00 %
Computer-Related Maintenance Services $187,324.06$33,515.00 0.12 % 0.67 %
Construction $2,898,535.20$1,189,858.40 1.89 % 23.76 %
Copiers, Scanners, Printers, Imaging, Fingerprinting $0.00$0.00 0.00 % 0.00 %
Demolition $1,211,846.00$367,133.00 0.79 % 7.33 %
Engineering, Architectural $4,661,151.00$429,920.77 3.04 % 8.59 %
High Tech $0.00$0.00 0.00 % 0.00 %
Human Services $2,070.00$2,070.00 0.00 % 0.04 %
HVAC Services $0.00$0.00 0.00 % 0.00 %
Information Technology, Consulting, Programming $44,076.48$40,504.34 0.03 % 0.81 %
Landscaping, Tree & Debris Removal $0.00$0.00 0.00 % 0.00 %
Legal $157,528.00$24,000.00 0.10 % 0.48 %
Office Space Rental or Lease $0.00$0.00 0.00 % 0.00 %
Pump Services $3,447.00$0.00 0.00 % 0.00 %
Specialized $144,191,046.14$2,911,898.53 94.00 % 58.15 %
Training, Travel $0.00$0.00 0.00 % 0.00 %